Package | Description |
java.time |
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
java.time.temporal |
Access to date and time using fields and units, and date time adjusters.
| |
Support for time-zones and their rules.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Duration |
Constant for a duration of zero.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Duration |
Returns a copy of this duration with a positive length.
static Duration |
Duration.between(Temporal startInclusive,
Temporal endExclusive)
Obtains a
Duration representing the duration between two temporal objects. |
Duration |
Duration.dividedBy(long divisor)
Returns a copy of this duration divided by the specified value.
static Duration |
Duration.from(TemporalAmount amount)
Obtains an instance of
Duration from a temporal amount. |
Duration |
Duration.minus(Duration duration)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minus(long amountToSubtract,
TemporalUnit unit)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusDays(long daysToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in standard 24 hour days subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusHours(long hoursToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in hours subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusMillis(long millisToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in milliseconds subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusMinutes(long minutesToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in minutes subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusNanos(long nanosToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in nanoseconds subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.minusSeconds(long secondsToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in seconds subtracted.
Duration |
Duration.multipliedBy(long multiplicand)
Returns a copy of this duration multiplied by the scalar.
Duration |
Returns a copy of this duration with the length negated.
static Duration |
Duration.of(long amount,
TemporalUnit unit)
Obtains a
Duration representing an amount in the specified unit. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofDays(long days)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of standard 24 hour days. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofHours(long hours)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of standard hours. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofMillis(long millis)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of milliseconds. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofMinutes(long minutes)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of standard minutes. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofNanos(long nanos)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of nanoseconds. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofSeconds(long seconds)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of seconds. |
static Duration |
Duration.ofSeconds(long seconds,
long nanoAdjustment)
Obtains a
Duration representing a number of seconds and an
adjustment in nanoseconds. |
static Duration |
Duration.parse(CharSequence text)
Obtains a
Duration from a text string such as PnDTnHnMn.nS . |
Duration | duration)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
Duration | amountToAdd,
TemporalUnit unit)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
Duration |
Duration.plusDays(long daysToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in standard 24 hour days added.
Duration |
Duration.plusHours(long hoursToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in hours added.
Duration |
Duration.plusMillis(long millisToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in milliseconds added.
Duration |
Duration.plusMinutes(long minutesToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in minutes added.
Duration |
Duration.plusNanos(long nanosToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in nanoseconds added.
Duration |
Duration.plusSeconds(long secondsToAdd)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in seconds added.
Duration |
Duration.withNanos(int nanoOfSecond)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified nano-of-second.
Duration |
Duration.withSeconds(long seconds)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified amount of seconds.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Duration.compareTo(Duration otherDuration)
Compares this duration to the specified
Duration . |
Duration |
Duration.minus(Duration duration)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration subtracted.
static Clock |
Clock.offset(Clock baseClock,
Duration offsetDuration)
Obtains a clock that returns instants from the specified clock with the
specified duration added
Duration | duration)
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
static Clock |
Clock.tick(Clock baseClock,
Duration tickDuration)
Obtains a clock that returns instants from the specified clock truncated
to the nearest occurrence of the specified duration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Duration |
Gets the duration of this unit, which may be an estimate.
Duration |
Gets the estimated duration of this unit in the ISO calendar system.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Duration |
ZoneRules.getDaylightSavings(Instant instant)
Gets the amount of daylight savings in use for the specified instant in this zone.
Duration |
Gets the duration of the transition.
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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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