public abstract class AbstractSequentialList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
This class is the opposite of the AbstractList class in the sense that it implements the "random access" methods (get(int index), set(int index, E element), add(int index, E element) and remove(int index)) on top of the list's list iterator, instead of the other way around.
To implement a list the programmer needs only to extend this class and provide implementations for the listIterator and size methods. For an unmodifiable list, the programmer need only implement the list iterator's hasNext, next, hasPrevious, previous and index methods.
For a modifiable list the programmer should additionally implement the list iterator's set method. For a variable-size list the programmer should additionally implement the list iterator's remove and add methods.
The programmer should generally provide a void (no argument) and collection constructor, as per the recommendation in the Collection interface specification.
This class is a member of the Java Collections Framework.
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
Sole constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
add(int index,
E element)
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list
(optional operation).
boolean |
addAll(int index,
Collection<? extends E> c)
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this
list at the specified position (optional operation).
E |
get(int index)
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
Iterator<E> |
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list (in proper
abstract ListIterator<E> |
listIterator(int index)
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper
E |
remove(int index)
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional
E |
set(int index,
E element)
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the
specified element (optional operation).
add, clear, equals, hashCode, indexOf, lastIndexOf, listIterator, removeRange, subList
addAll, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray, toString
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
addAll, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, replaceAll, retainAll, size, sort, spliterator, toArray, toArray
parallelStream, removeIf, stream
protected AbstractSequentialList()
public E get(int index)
This implementation first gets a list iterator pointing to the indexed element (with listIterator(index)). Then, it gets the element using and returns it.
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- index of the element to returnIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index >= size())public E set(int index, E element)
This implementation first gets a list iterator pointing to the indexed element (with listIterator(index)). Then, it gets the current element using and replaces it with ListIterator.set.
Note that this implementation will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the list iterator does not implement the set operation.
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- index of the element to replaceelement
- element to be stored at the specified positionUnsupportedOperationException
- if the set operation
is not supported by this listClassCastException
- if the class of the specified element
prevents it from being added to this listNullPointerException
- if the specified element is null and
this list does not permit null elementsIllegalArgumentException
- if some property of the specified
element prevents it from being added to this listIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index >= size())public void add(int index, E element)
This implementation first gets a list iterator pointing to the indexed element (with listIterator(index)). Then, it inserts the specified element with ListIterator.add.
Note that this implementation will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the list iterator does not implement the add operation.
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- index at which the specified element is to be insertedelement
- element to be insertedUnsupportedOperationException
- if the add operation
is not supported by this listClassCastException
- if the class of the specified element
prevents it from being added to this listNullPointerException
- if the specified element is null and
this list does not permit null elementsIllegalArgumentException
- if some property of the specified
element prevents it from being added to this listIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index > size())public E remove(int index)
This implementation first gets a list iterator pointing to the indexed element (with listIterator(index)). Then, it removes the element with ListIterator.remove.
Note that this implementation will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the list iterator does not implement the remove operation.
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- the index of the element to be removedUnsupportedOperationException
- if the remove operation
is not supported by this listIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index >= size())public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c)
This implementation gets an iterator over the specified collection and a list iterator over this list pointing to the indexed element (with listIterator(index)). Then, it iterates over the specified collection, inserting the elements obtained from the iterator into this list, one at a time, using ListIterator.add followed by (to skip over the added element).
Note that this implementation will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the list iterator returned by the listIterator method does not implement the add operation.
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- index at which to insert the first element from the
specified collectionc
- collection containing elements to be added to this listUnsupportedOperationException
- if the addAll operation
is not supported by this listClassCastException
- if the class of an element of the specified
collection prevents it from being added to this listNullPointerException
- if the specified collection contains one
or more null elements and this list does not permit null
elements, or if the specified collection is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if some property of an element of the
specified collection prevents it from being added to this listIndexOutOfBoundsException
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index > size())public Iterator<E> iterator()
This implementation merely returns a list iterator over the list.
public abstract ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index)
in interface List<E>
in class AbstractList<E>
- index of first element to be returned from the list
iterator (by a call to the next
- if the index is out of range
(index < 0 || index > size()
) Submit a bug or feature
For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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