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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 8

Package javax.sql.rowset

Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC RowSet implementations.

See: Description

Package javax.sql.rowset Description

Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC RowSet implementations. This package contains interfaces and classes that a standard RowSet implementation either implements or extends.

Table of Contents

1.0 Package Specification

This package specifies five standard JDBC RowSet interfaces. All five extend the RowSet interface described in the JDBC 3.0 specification. It is anticipated that additional definitions of more specialized JDBC RowSet types will emerge as this technology matures. Future definitions should be specified as subinterfaces using inheritance similar to the way it is used in this specification.

Note: The interface definitions provided in this package form the basis for all compliant JDBC RowSet implementations. Vendors and more advanced developers who intend to provide their own compliant RowSet implementations should pay particular attention to the assertions detailed in specification interfaces.

2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions

3.0 Implementer's Guide

Compliant implementations of JDBC RowSet Implementations must follow the assertions described in this specification. In accordance with the terms of the Java Community Process, a Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) can be licensed to ensure compatibility with the specification. The following paragraphs outline a number of starting points for implementers of the standard JDBC RowSet definitions. Implementers should also consult the Implementer's Guide in the javax.sql.rowset.spi package for guidelines on SyncProvider implementations.

4.0 Related Specifications

5.0 Related Documentation

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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 8

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